Mingming Fan is an Assistant Professor in Computational Media and Arts (CMA) and Internet of Things (IOT) Thrusts at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) (HKUST(GZ)), with joint and affiliated assistant professor positions in Division of Integrative Systems and Design and Department of Computer Science and Engineering respectively at HKUST. Before joining HKUST campuses, he worked for two years as a tenure-tracked Assistant Professor in the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion Research (CAIR) at RIT after earning his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto in 2019.
Dr. Fan founded and directs Accessible & Pervasive User EXperience (APEX) Group to conduct research at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), AI and VR/AR/MR with three foci: 1)Assistive Technology (AT): to empower older adults and people with disabilities, 2)Human-AI Collaboration: to understand human-AI collaboration dynamics and create novel human-AI collaboration systems; 3)VR/AR/MR: to create novel VR/AR/MR applications and interactions, in particular for aging, accessibility and learning/education purposes. Along with his students and collaborators, his work is recognized through Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards (x 4) and Best Paper Award at CHI, Best Paper Honorable Mention Awards at Chinese CHI (x 2), Best Artifact Award at ASSETS, and Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at UbiComp. He has been regularly serving on program committees of CHI, ASSETS, and CSCW, including subcommittee chair of CHI (2024, 2025) and Paper Award Committee of CSCW (2023).
Personal Website: https://www.mingmingfan.com/