Dr. Yuyang Wang is an Assistant Professor at Computational Media and Art (CMA) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Information Hub, after concluding postdoc research. He received a PhD in computer science from the Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, ParisTech in France. Under the framework of the French‐German Institute for Industry of the Future, he was a visiting researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. In addition, he holds a master's degree in numerical methods in engineering from the International Center for Numerical Methods (CIMNE), the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain. He consistently publishes works and serves as a reviewer in premier journals and conferences in his research area, such as Virtual Reality (Springer), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, IEEE VR, IEEE ISMAR, et al.

Research field:

· Mitigation and prediction of motion sickness (or cybersickness) in virtual reality (p.s., with the help of SOTA AI methods)

· The neural mechanism behind user perception and sensory (p.s., computational neuroscience, reinforcement learning, computer vision)

· Multi-sensory VR interaction design and affective computing (p.s., cognitive systems)

Expected background of the student:

Ideally, major in mathematics, psychology, computer science, interaction design, or a closely related field; be self-motivated, curious, and kind.

Email address: yuyangwang@hkust-gz.edu.cn