Spring 2022 – CMA seminar
Week 5 - Dr. Lin Wang: When Computer Vision Meets Metaverse: An Overview and Outlooks
Time: 4th March 2022 10:30AM HKT

We are now on the way of reaching out the Metaverse, which has been coined to further facilitate the digital transformation in every aspect of our physical lives. There are many technologies, e.g., VR/AR, that drive the transition from the current internet to the Meteverse. Computer vision is an important technique that rigorously supports the functioning of any intelligent systems based on visual cues. In this talk, I will first provide a comprehensive analysis for the development of the state-of-the-art computer vision technologies, such as SLAM, object detection and segmentation, digital human modeling, etc., as they play a crucial role for the VR/AR and further for Metaverse ecosystem. Then, I will share some recent research on 3D scene understanding and reconstruction, which can be helpful and potential for the development of the Metaverse system.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. WANG Lin (Addison) is an Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thrust of Information Hub (GZ Campus) and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CWB Campus), HKUST. He got his Ph.D. Degree (with Highest Ph.D. Research Award) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), majoring in AI-driven computer and robotic vision. Dr. WANG had study and research experience in three departments, which makes him interested in the inter-disciplinary research problems aiming to integrate computer vision, graphics and HCI and further explore the combined potential for intelligent systems, such as autonomous driving and Metaverse. He had published many first-authored top-tier conference and journal works in computer vision and robotics fields, such as IEEE TPAMI, CVPR, etc.
Zoom Meeting Information:
Topic: CMA seminar - Spring2022 - w5-Lin Wang
Time: Mar 4, 2022 10:30 AM Hong Kong SAR
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