CMA is invited to be part of the Campus program at the Ars Electronica Festival 2025 in Linz, Vienna. Hence, this open call serves for selecting the best artwork from CMA and HKUST(GZ) students to showcase at the Ars Electronica festival 3-7 Sep 2025 in Linz, Austria.

Brief Background: A total of 42 international universities and 285 projects working in the academic fields of media art, design and technology participate in the Ars Electronica Festival 2024. Through this collective endeavor, the Campus Exhibition celebrates the power of creativity, collaboration and exploration in shaping our shared future.

References: Please find here some reports and images about the campus exhibition from 2024 in this page: You can also check two of our news (1) and (2) last year for more info.

Our Goal: 3-4 student art projects will be selected for exhibiting at Ars Electronica Campus Exhibit 2025 and at least one student artist of each selected project will have a chance to participate in the festival and represent CMA in Linz, given the funding supports / commitment from the student supervisor allows. Otherwise, the student must seek for the alternative funding supports from the University or other means by themselves.

Our Plan and Steps (Tentative):

#1 Registration: Contact Prof. James She (by Wechat msg.) to indicate your interests before Mar. 24, 2025 – 5pm (Mon.).

#2 Briefing: Attend a 20-30mins. briefing (in person ideally, or online) that is likely to happen on Mar. 26, 2025 (Wed.) early afternoon. Exact timing, venue and link will be notified.

#3 Proposal Preparation: Before the briefing, please prepare a bit the following proposal requirements:

- Short project description (150-300 words)

- Detailed project description, including the technical realization

- Images and/or sketches of proposed artwork

- Technical and special needs

- If applicable, video documentation of the project

- Short CV of each co-author (1-2 pages)

- Feasibility evaluation of demo and transportation.

- Funding planning

#4 Proposal Submission: Due Time (announced during briefing)

#5 Student Presentation and Jury Evaluation: A Committee of Jury will be formed from the CMA faculty members or/and invited experts to select projects based on the proposal, student presentation, funding condition, etc.

#6: Final Decision by Jury, and Final Actions by Students: Details later

All inquiries regarding this open call may be directed to Prof. James She over Wechat msg. in the Wechat group (AE participation).

Additional references:

1. Campus Award 2024

Computational Media and Arts (CMA), HKUST (GZ)

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)