Five Professors from HKUST(GZ) Information Hub's Computational Media and Arts Thrust Attend the 20th Joint Academic Conference on Harmonious Human-Machine Environment 2024
From August 19 to 21, 2024, five professors from the Computational Media and Arts (CMA) Thrust of HKUST(GZ)'s Information Hub attended the 20th Harmonious Human-Machine Environment (HHME) Conference and Annual Meeting of the China Computer Federation (CCF) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Committee in Taiyuan, Shanxi. This conference brought together top academic and technical experts from across the country, showcasing the latest research findings and future trends in the field of human-computer interaction.
The conference was hosted by the China Computer Federation, co-organized by the HCI Committee, Ubiquitous Computing Committee, and National Wearable Computing Committee, and undertaken by North University of China and Taiyuan University of Technology. HHME, as a top-tier joint academic conference in the fields of human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, AI, and intelligent wearables in China, has become an important platform for academic exchange and technological innovation in these areas.

The attendance of Associate Professor Hai-Ning Liang and four Assistant Professors - Mingming Fan, Wei Zeng, Xin Tong, and Chen Liang - from HKUST(GZ)'s Information Hub CMA Thrust attracted widespread attention at the conference. Hai-Ning Liang, Mingming Fan, and Xin Tong participated in various activities as executive committee members of the CCF HCI Committee. Wei Zeng and Chen Liang were successfully elected as new executive committee members, further enhancing HKUST(GZ)'s influence in the field of human-computer interaction.
Notably, Mingming Fan was awarded the CCF HCI Committee Young Scientist Award, and Chen Liang received the CCF HCI Committee Doctoral Dissertation Award, highlighting their outstanding contributions in their research fields. Additionally, Hai-Ning Liang, Mingming Fan, Xin Tong, Chen Liang, and CMA students presented their papers published at IEEE VR and ACM CHI in 2024, further solidifying HKUST(GZ)'s reputation in the international academic community.

Furthermore, Mingming Fan chaired a session on CHCI top conference and journal papers in assistive technology and accessibility design, adding rich academic content to the conference.

HKUST(GZ) has adopted a unique "Hub-Thrust" integrated academic structure and talent cultivation model. The Computational Media and Arts Thrust's research content integrates science, art, design, and other fields, with thriving development in human-computer interaction research. The participation of these five professors in the Harmonious Human-Machine Environment Conference and the awards received from the CCF HCI Committee demonstrate HKUST(GZ)'s unique advantages and broad prospects in the field of human-computer interaction research.