Why The Data Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet?

CMA Spring 2021 - seminar Week 2 - Dr. Lev Manovich: Why The Data Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet? Time: Feb 11, 2021 15:30 HKTAbstract During the last fifteen years, a growing number of researchers in many disciplines ranging from computer science and AI to urban studies, communication, and digital humanities have big data methods for the study of culture. This work has generated many fascinating insights but also led to many questions.  In my talk, I want to discuss what I see as some of the biggest challenges in looking at culture with computers, and think about the ways to address them. Why do we often approach cultural data using ideas developed in the 18th and 19th century, before digital computers and big data? Can we think about cultures without using categories? What does AI can see in cultural artifacts, and what it remains blind to? The presentation draws on my new book "Cultural Analytics" published by The MIT Press in October 2020 (https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/cultural-analytics (Links to an external site).

Speaker bio: Dr. Lev Manovich is one of the leading theorists of digital culture worldwide and a pioneer in the application of data science for analysis of contemporary culture. Manovich is the author and editor of 15 books including Cultural Analytics (Links to an external site.), AI Aesthetics (Links to an external site.), Theories of Software Culture (Links to an external site.), Instagram and Contemporary Image (Links to an external site.), Software Takes Command (Links to an external site.), Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database (Links to an external site.) and The Language of New Media (Links to an external site.) which was described as "the most suggestive and broad-ranging media history since Marshall McLuhan." He was included in the list of "25 People Shaping the Future of Design" (Links to an external site.) in 2013 and the list of "50 Most Interesting People Building the Future" (Links to an external site.) in 2014. Manovich is a Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center, CUNY (Links to an external site.), and a Director of the Cultural Analytics Lab (Links to an external site.). The lab created projects for the Museum of Modern Art (NYC), New York Public Library, Google, and other clients. Manovich's latest book "Cultural Analytics" is being published by The MIT Press in Fall 2020.Zoom meeting information

Topic: CMAA6102 (T1) - CMA seminar - Dr. Lev Manovich: Why The Data Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet?
Time: Feb 11, 2021 03:30 PM Hong Kong SAR

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