EVENT Interdisciplinary Context and Practice of Art and Technology Art and technology has been discussed in the fields of contemporary art and art education. Prof. Jun FEI will share his insights about the influences, history, meanings and values generated
EVENT Digital Image as Material Object: Archaeologies of Computer Graphics The computer is not a visual medium. While today our interactions with computational technologies are almost all mediated by screen interfaces and digital image technologies, visual representation is in no
EVENT Aesthetic Education in the Technological Age This talk starts with the problems and responses that Friedrich Schiller laid down in his Letters on the Aesthetic Education concerning the conflict between reason and feeling; and how this
EVENT JOURNEY INTO DIGI-REALITY: MARRIAGE OF ART & SCIENCE -- A Featured Adventure of Cross-Industries by Hao Luo
EVENT Diagram Score and Equation Picasso. Einstein. Bergson were the most important figures in their own fields: art, science, and philosophy, from the same period of time. From their different perspectives and with their “digram”
EVENT Why The Data Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet? CMA Spring 2021 - seminar Week 2 - Dr. Lev Manovich: Why The Data Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet? Time: Feb 11, 2021 15:30 HKTAbstract During the last fifteen years,
EVENT Methodologies of Experimental Animation CMAA6101 - Week 13 Seminar Topic: Methodologies of Experimental Animation Invited speakers: Max Hattler, Tianran Duan (40-50min talk for each speaker with Q&A after) Zoom Meeting information: Topic:
EVENT BioArt: Is life programmable?——Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life and Artificial Mind Introduction Biography Jo WeiCurator, researcher Jo Wei is a curator and researcher, and is also the founder of the Pan Bio-art Studio(PBS). Wei is currently a researcher of Art,
EVENT Body as Instrument Introduction This talk considers the human body as musical instrument. To do so, we look at the use of physiological signals, notably the electromyogram, as a way to capture the
EVENT Exhibition-Making & Networking Introduction Carla Rapoport: Who’s Afraid of Digital Art? The History of the Lumen Prize The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology was launched by a financial journalist in rural
EVENT Integrating Art and Technology through Computer Algorithms in Visual Art Practice In this panel discussion, Lingdong Huang and ZiweiWu will talk about their new project, Mimicry, sharing their experience in integrating art and technology, in this particular project, as well as in their creative practices in general.
EVENT Enabling Possibilities with Art and Technology Introduction For this talk, MetaObjects will share their work with Hong Kong artist Samson Young for his works using 3D printing and robotics, and Shanghai artist Lu Yang using live
EVENT Acoustic Thought: Sound Art with the Transcendental, the Strange, and the Monumental Introduction In this seminar, I share my recent project that takes sound as an anthropological material and method to discuss how contemporary sound art practices connect with the perceptible transcendental,