Sound as Material, Sound as Representation

In this coming seminar, we invite Dr. Ryo Ikeshiro From the City University of Hong Kong to give us a talk about Sound Art. Please see the detailed information about his talk on 1st Nov 09:30AM in Rm 1032, LSK Bldg or via zoom. This is going to be the very first CMA seminar that invites a guest speaker to come in person on campus! Even though it’s quite early I’d like to see more faculties and students attend in person if possible. For trying to promote this event earlier, I designed the posters just now and would like to encourage you to share the information with your students and friends ahead of time. Please be noticed there are two posters attached here: one with a zoom link and one without. You may share the one without the zoom link for students who study on campus to motivate them to come in person.
I look forward to seeing you in person there!

(Poster designed by Jake Zhang, photos provided by Dr. Ryo Ikeshiro)
CMA Fall 2021 - seminar
Week 9 - Dr. Ryo Ikeshiro: Sound as Material, Sound as Representation
Time: 1st Nov, 2021 09:30AM HKT
Rm1032, LSK Building
(Mixed Mode Lecture)Abstract: The talk introduces various aspects of my work which investigates two approaches to sound: as material and as representation. Reconciling the concerns of auditory display and music, I will begin with how the possibilities of sonification and algorithmic composition may be considered. The technique is further developed through simultaneous data sonification and visualisation, or audio visualization. I will then present recent work using directional audio for the playback of Ambisonics (spatial audio) field recordings in the context of mass surveillance. In closing, I will introduce SoundLab, a 3D audio research and practice unit of which I am co-director.

Speaker Bio:Ryo Ikeshiro is an artist, musician and researcher. He was part of the Asia Culture Center’s inaugural exhibition in Gwangju, South Korea, and his TeleText art pages have been broadcast on German, Austrian and Swiss national TV. He is a contributor to Sound Art: Sound as a medium of art, a ZKM Karlsruhe/MIT publication, and his articles have been published in the journal Organised Sound. He is an Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, where he is the MFACM Programme Deputy Leader and co-director of SoundLab, a spatial audio art/research unit.

Online available at the same time:
Zoom Meeting Information:
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Meeting ID: 913 1296 7443
Passcode: cma